Total Efficiency Email Management
Total Efficiency Email Management is a system providing methodology, guidance and tools for companies and organizations who want to reach excellence in their business performance, through employees behaviour, culture and time management
Does your company have an email management system in place?
Email’s use is continuously increasing
- By the end of 2017, the number of email users has reached 3.7 billion worldwide, approximately half of the worldwide population. By the end of 2021, the number of worldwide email users will be over 4.1 billion
- In 2017, the total number of emails sent and received per day has overcome 270 billion
- More than 80% of the world’s internet users owns a smartphone, and more than 80% of them uses email on their smartphone
- More than 50% of all emails are opened on mobile devices
- According to a McKinsey study, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter
- 80% of marketing emails are sent to a personal email account
- Despite current trends, and technological evolution, email will maintain an important position as a trusted form of communication, even if the new generation is adopting new ways. According to statistics, Millennials are still using broadly emails.
Emails are highly affecting
Emails are highly affecting
- Business Performance
- Internal External Communication
- Security Compliance Privacy
- IT Infrastructure
- Company Culture
Email & Professional
Worldwide average billions emails per day
Exorbitant number and facts, but even more amazing is the fact that Companies regularly face complete corporate reorganisations, cost reduction programs, definition of dozens of policies and processes, but they completely forget email management improvement programs.
Exorbitant number and facts, but even more amazing is the fact that ...
Companies regularly face complete corporate reorganisations, cost reduction programs, definition of dozens of policies and processes, but they completely forget email management improvement programs
Full scope methodology to reach best performance email management
The purpose of teem is to assist companies in achieving excellence in their email management business performance
- Improved efficiency, reduced costs, and saved money
- Increased professionality and competitiveness
- Improved communication processes
- Keep Management and Employees focused on their business tasks
- Improved accountability and tasks accomplishment
- Reduced fraud and cyberattack risks
- Decreased employees frustration and stress
- Reinforced corporate culture & identity
- Enhanced IT infrastructure performance
You'll save
one employee
out of ten
Teem is suitable for all sizes and types of organizations and all business sectors
Others provide high level services, we achieve targets
Angelo Fasoli
Stefano Colombo
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Stan2services sagl - Via San Gottardo, 9 - 6900 - Lugano - Svizzera